Our Partners



The Safe Quality Foods Program (SQF) and British Retail Consortium (BRC) food safety standard are key food standard programs recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative. They are Australian and British programs, respectively, and focused on ensuring that food products meet the highest standards of food safety for the Pacific, European, and international markets.

(CFIA) Canadian Food Inspection Agency

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) maintains the Quality Management Program Import Licensing for food producers. This is a fish inspection and control system that includes procedures, inspections, and records for the purpose of verifying and documenting the processing of fish, and the safety and quality of fish processed in, exported from, or imported into Canada.

(MSC) Marine Stewardship Council

The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organization established to address the problem of unsustainable fishing, and to safeguard seafood supplies for the future.

(COR) Kosher

COR is the kosher certification trademark used by the Kashruth Council of Canada, the largest kosher certification agency in Canada. COR has been servicing the food industry for over 65 years and certifies over 70,000 products in over 1,000 facilities in North America and around the world.

(BAP) Best Aquaculture Practices

BAP helps keep fish in our future, delivering a healthy protein to billions of people worldwide. Responsible farming protects wild fisheries from being over-exploited so that seafood can be served for years to come.

(ASC) Aquaculture Stewardship Council

ASC works with scientist, conservation groups, NGOs, aquaculture producers, seafood processors, retail and foodservice companies and consumers to recognize and reward responsible aquaculture.